Cut Out + Keep

Lemon Thyme Sorbet In Lemon Cups

Living the Mediterranean Diet • Posted by Ulysses Press

WITH A FRESH HINT of thyme, this very-lemon sorbet will spring you into the season of citrus and blossoms and shed any shade of winter blues you may have acquired in the previous months. SERVES 4

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Medium 110177 2f2015 07 28 211417 living mediterranean lemon sorbet


WITH A FRESH HINT of thyme, this very-lemon sorbet will spring you into the season of citrus and blossoms and shed any shade of winter blues you may have acquired in the previous months. SERVES 4


  1. HOW WE CREATE Combine the honey, water, and lemon juice in a large saucepan over medium heat and stir until the honey is dissolved. Remove from the heat, add the thyme, and allow the flavors to infuse for about 3 hours in the saucepan with the lid on. Pour the lemon mixture into your ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

  2. While the sorbet is churning, cut a small circular slice off the bottoms of the reserved lemon halves so as to make them stand up, then use a small spoon to hollow out the insides. Transfer the sorbet into the lemon cups. Garnish each with a sprig of thyme and a drizzle of honey, if desired. Serve immediately or store in the freezer for later enjoyment. WELLNESS NOTE: Lemons are rich in Vitamin C. We squeeze fresh lemon into our water, onto our salads, and into our sorbet whenever the opportunity presents itself.