• Posted by Starrys
God, I love these cookies. One of the best things about them is that they don't end up hard like others, so they won't break your teeth. Of course, you can replace lemon cake mix with any other flavor, but be certain to take out the other lemon-y flavored things I add. Maybe replace them with other flavored stuff? I know I used German chocolate cake mix and put dark chocolate shavings in it. Mmmmmmm. And the glaze should work if you add another liquid other than lime juice to it as well. Makes about 12.
God, I love these cookies. One of the best things about them is that they don't end up hard like others, so they won't break your teeth. Of course, you can replace lemon cake mix with any other flavor, but be certain to take out the other lemon-y flavored things I add. Maybe replace them with other flavored stuff? I know I used German chocolate cake mix and put dark chocolate shavings in it. Mmmmmmm. And the glaze should work if you add another liquid other than lime juice to it as well. Makes about 12.
Gather the first three ingredients together, and mix them all up in a bowl. Don't forget to break the eggs first, silly ;P Preheat the oven to 350F.
I should end up looking like this. I found that my cake mix (it wasn't the usual brand I use) did not taste lemony enough for me, so I added some lemon juice. This is, of course, to taste and completely optional. I always add lemon zest, though. If you don't know what lemon zest is, by any chance, it's the peel from the lemon. I use a fancy little microplane zester, but you could just use the small side of a cheese grader.
Once you have all of that mixed together (don't worry about there being clumps of cake mix, it's no big deal), roll them up into little 1-1 1/2 inch balls (I always tell myself 1 inch, but I'm bad at estimating size) and put them on a cookie sheet. Then put the cookie sheet into the now preheated oven for 7 minutes.
While the cookies are baking, mix the powdered sugar in a small bowl with the lime juice. I don't usually use real lime juice, I use a concentrated lime syrup, but if you do use limes, use the small key limes. Those are always better. I don't use measurements when making a glaze, I just add the two together until I get: (a) as much as I need, and (b) it to be thick enough to coat the fork, but thin enough that it drips off. Like the picture on step 6.
Take the cookies out of the oven when they're done. They may not be done at 7 minutes, but I find it's at least a good time to check. The cookies are done when either the edges of the cookies are browning, or you can stick a toothpick in the middle without getting any wet dough on it. If your cookies are one and not the other, don't worry about it. Different cake mixes cook different ways, and you don't want to risk burning the cookies.
I don't actually have a picture of me doing this because I need both hands, but drizzle the glaze on the cookies. Make sure the cookies aren't hot though. Warm is ok, but hot makes the glaze run everywhere really fast and is a mess. Leave the cookies alone for a while to cool and let the glaze harden on top.
Ta-da! You have delicious cake mix cookies to eat! Don't forget to share ;P