Cut Out + Keep

Lemmings, Lemmings, Lemmings

They just keep coming!!! • Posted by Tania E.

Trying to be hip and making sprites ;) The buildings are from Perler Bead home page. The plan is to paint the canvas and put the rest of the lemmings into scenarios as well.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium lemmingskingkong 1295884775 Medium lemmingsmarypoppins 1295884841 Medium jumping 1295895324 Medium lemmingstrafficlight 1295885022 Medium digging 1295885064 Medium exploding 1295885115 Medium pickaxe 1295895364 Medium block 1295895426 Medium steps 1295895475 Medium digging2 1295895519


Trying to be hip and making sprites ;) The buildings are from Perler Bead home page. The plan is to paint the canvas and put the rest of the lemmings into scenarios as well.
