Cut Out + Keep

Leica Camera Bag

a leica camera bag, like the post title says • Posted by Myam

This is a bag that I made for a friend. He runs a photoblog. And now he wears this bag all the time; even to get water from the office water station. Anyway, I made this using the same methods I used for making the fender bag. I printed an image and then worked from there.

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Reasonably Priced


2 h 00


Medium act 1200216038 Medium img 6494 1200216302


This is a bag that I made for a friend. He runs a photoblog. And now he wears this bag all the time; even to get water from the office water station. Anyway, I made this using the same methods I used for making the fender bag. I printed an image and then worked from there.
