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Lego Brick Ring

Lego isnt just for building... • Posted by EricaL

Lego isn't just for building, my friends. Follow the steps below to create your very own Lego Brick Ring. Time set is about the maximum it would take to stick it, but it time it takes to dry depends! It's dry when it doesnt wiggle. I love mine, so I hope you love yours! <3 ---Note about glue--- I tried this with PVA first but I reccommend not using it for this creation, it won't withstand for very long so use a nice strong glue!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf4898 1319215796 Medium dscf4894 1319215838


Lego isn't just for building, my friends. Follow the steps below to create your very own Lego Brick Ring. Time set is about the maximum it would take to stick it, but it time it takes to dry depends! It's dry when it doesnt wiggle. I love mine, so I hope you love yours! <3 ---Note about glue--- I tried this with PVA first but I reccommend not using it for this creation, it won't withstand for very long so use a nice strong glue!


  1. Small dscf4885 1319213352

    Gather your ingredients.... Glue...check Ring...check Lego brick...check!

  2. Small dscf4890 1319213364

    Take your lego brick in your preferred colour, flip it over and put a splodge of glue in the hole on the back of the lego. Use a strong adhesive glue for maximum strength. (I used PVA as it was the only glue I had at the time, but if you use PVA then I suggest glueing it again with a stronger glue)

  3. Small dscf4892 1319213378

    Take your plain ring, and put it onto the gluey hole. Hold for a few seconds so it sticks. Don't worry about spillages, you won't see the underside of the brick! Leave to dry for as long as it takes...

  4. Small dscf4894 1319215777

    You now have your own fabulous Lego Brick Ring!! In a few easy steps.