Cut Out + Keep

Leather Journal

Based on Leather Journal by Candice C. • Posted by The Broken Thimble

I recently bought some scrap leather off of etsy and have been looking for something to make with it. I saw this journal and decided to give it a try, and then was born the Franken-Journal. This is my first try at binding a book and I found out it's pretty fun. The journal has eighty pages (forty 8 1/2" x 11" folded in half). I peiced together the leather kind of randomly and I like the way it looks. For the closure I used some leather lace my dad had and sewed on a wooden button. I sewed the whole journal with Tandy Leather Factory sewing awl thread. I'm really happy with the way it came out! -The Broken Thimble

You will need


5 h 00


Medium leather franken journal 1 Medium leather franken journal 3


I recently bought some scrap leather off of etsy and have been looking for something to make with it. I saw this journal and decided to give it a try, and then was born the Franken-Journal. This is my first try at binding a book and I found out it's pretty fun. The journal has eighty pages (forty 8 1/2" x 11" folded in half). I peiced together the leather kind of randomly and I like the way it looks. For the closure I used some leather lace my dad had and sewed on a wooden button. I sewed the whole journal with Tandy Leather Factory sewing awl thread. I'm really happy with the way it came out! -The Broken Thimble
