Leather Hair Corset

An easy to make hair accessory that rocks

Posted by Serum vital


This is an easy to make hair accessory with many variation. My first was with eyelets, but I prefer this one because its a lot more "hair friendly".


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Leather
  • Scissors
  • Hole Punch
  • Eyelet Pliers
  • Satin Ribbon

Steps (7 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Gather your material

  2. 2

    Measure the girth of your ponytail.
    For the width of the corset substract 1 cm of the girth and mark it on your leather.

  3. 3

    The height depends on your personal taste.

  4. 4

    Cut the piece out.

  5. 5

    Use the hole punch or any other tool to make holes with equally distance.

  6. 6

    This is what it could look like...

  7. 7

    Thread the ribbon and you are done!
    You can also do the variation with eyelets like its shown in the picture above.

    Enjoy it!