Cut Out + Keep

Leather Bound Sketch Book From Old Jacket

Who needs to buy a $70 sketchbook when you have ugly jackets laying around? • Posted by Waloo R.

Going on a trip soon so I decided to make myself some sketch books. This one is made out of a REALLY gouty leather jacket that mom pulled out of the inner reaches of her closet:D Wish I would have taken a picture of the jacket to show you, but I forgot. As for the binding stitch, I kind of made it up as I was going along. But isn't is pretty? :3

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Medium dscn0168 Medium dscn0175 Medium dscn0169 Medium dscn0171 Medium dscn0173


Going on a trip soon so I decided to make myself some sketch books. This one is made out of a REALLY gouty leather jacket that mom pulled out of the inner reaches of her closet:D Wish I would have taken a picture of the jacket to show you, but I forgot. As for the binding stitch, I kind of made it up as I was going along. But isn't is pretty? :3
