Layers Kandi

multilayered piece of kandi

Posted by Sjarlotte


On myspace i got asked how to make this piece, and took me a few minutes to notice it's not the same as a multi.
The idea is the same, but insted of having 1 row around your wrist, you have 1 row as height
So instead of measuring your wrist, you measure how high you want this piece to be


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Pony Beads
  • Elastic Thread

Steps (11 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    I used 4 beads as height, because of my lack of ponybeads, but anything will work

  2. 2

    Next, you add a bead and go back trough the 3rd bead (see picture)
    Add another bead and back trough the first bead

  3. 3

    Because you have so many layers, you can pull tight as much as you can, and still have a stretchy bracelet.
    After pulling tight the first time, you should end up with this

  4. 4

    After that, you go back up, again add a bead, go trough one, add one, go trough one, pull tight

  5. 5

    I'm missing a picture here (my cam broke it!) but then you just keep pulling tight and adding more rows
    After a while, making the petern you would like, you end up like this

    (I tight my thread start to the bead so I didn't have to hold it the whole time)

  6. 6

    My wrist is really small, so i ended after 18 beads (sideways)
    That's how you measure how long it should be (try to keep the patern complete)

  7. 7

    Next, you pull your thread back trough the first row, 4th bead

  8. 8


  9. 9

    Now go back and trough the last row again, and back to the first
    Keep doing this untill all beads have 2 threads trough them (only 4 rows for me lol)

  10. 10

    Pull this tight, and now all you have to do is knot your threads :D

  11. 11

    You should end up with something like this