Cut Out + Keep

Latin "Carpe Diem Cras" Cross Stitch Embroidery

Seize the day...tomorrow. • Posted by hannah g.

Hey all, just a quick project here that I did for fun. I'm still a novice with cross stitch and embroidery in general. Many of you have probably heard the term "carpe diem", seize the day. Well, as a procrastinator I present to you "carpe diem cras", seize the day tomorrow. For those interested, the font I used is 'Old English Text MT'

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 114829 2f2016 08 11 170512  5ecce7dd18af574eb0c809c0d69ac6429224986588cce8a97197 5epimgpsh fullsize distr


Hey all, just a quick project here that I did for fun. I'm still a novice with cross stitch and embroidery in general. Many of you have probably heard the term "carpe diem", seize the day. Well, as a procrastinator I present to you "carpe diem cras", seize the day tomorrow. For those interested, the font I used is 'Old English Text MT'
