Cut Out + Keep

Last Minute Noisemakers

Make a noisemaker for New Year's or Birthday party with stuff you likely already have on hand. • Posted by KMOM14

This was made 15 years ago by my then 3 year old son at Science Central, a local science museum on New Year's eve, but it can easily be made at home from youngsters on up.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium screenhunter 12 dec. 31 16.55 1325368576 Medium screenhunter 12 dec. 31 16.55 1325368811


This was made 15 years ago by my then 3 year old son at Science Central, a local science museum on New Year's eve, but it can easily be made at home from youngsters on up.


  1. Decorate the cup with marker or stickers keeping in mind one is going to be stacked upside down on the other one.

  2. Fill the bottom inch or so of the bottom of the cup with the dried peas, bean, rice, aquarium gravel, leftover jingle bells or any other small objects.

  3. Stack the other cup upside down on top of the bottom cup then secure at the center with packing tape. Shake to make noise.