Last Min Gitf: Candy Stocking

A Very Simple Xmas Stoking

Posted by Caty C.


I made this little stokings to fill them with candy for my Dance Class annual Christmas party.
They are very simple and shouldnt take more than 20 minutes.
It's also a nice begginers project.
Sorry for the lack of pics but I was in a hurry to finish them


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Candy for filling
  • Fabric
  • Fabric
  • 10 cm Ribbon
  • Sewing Machine
  • Thread

Steps (9 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    First Draw a stoking pattern, I didnt upload coz I did it too fast, but it's not hard at all.

  2. 2

    Trace and cut your pattern out of 2 pieces of fabric. I'm using 2 colors.

  3. 3

    Cut about 8-10 cm of ribbon

  4. 4

    Pin both pieces ride sides facing.

  5. 5

    Pin the ribbon like in the picture, folded and sandwiched between the fabrics.

  6. 6

    Sew along the edges, not leaving the upper end open, of course.

  7. 7

    Fold twice the upper edge down and iron.

  8. 8

    Turn stoking in side out and carefully hem the upper edge.

  9. 9

    Fill with candy and your done!