Cut Out + Keep

Laserjet Stickers

Sweet and easy sticklets. • Posted by Veggiefiend

You will need to use a laserjet printer or else this will not work.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
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You will need to use a laserjet printer or else this will not work.


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    Print out your pictures. (I got mine from Over at Cathe Holden has awesome vintage printable labels.) Cover your pictures with packing tape. (My pictures were too big for the tape so I overlapped two pieces of tape. If you are doing this make sure the overlap is not noticeable.)

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    Cut out your pictures.

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    Place your pictures in warm water. They do not need to be in long. Just make sure the pictures are completely soaked.

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    Rub the paper off the pack of the pictures. Make sure to rub off all the paper.

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    You can dry off the back of these stickers and stick them on whatever your heart desires. Best of all they are removable. * To remove sticky residue clean with rubbing alcohol. **Be careful where you stick them, they can slightly stain. Enjoy.