• Posted by jesika_galaxia
I made this pinata for my daughter's 4th birthday party. She wanted a Lalaloopsy themed party and she also wanted the pinata about 2 days before her birthday (no pressure on me of course!). Sorry for the poor photos. I like to do them collage style so that I am not sitting here uploading one at a time. Any questions, let me know. Printables can be found at the site.
I made this pinata for my daughter's 4th birthday party. She wanted a Lalaloopsy themed party and she also wanted the pinata about 2 days before her birthday (no pressure on me of course!). Sorry for the poor photos. I like to do them collage style so that I am not sitting here uploading one at a time. Any questions, let me know. Printables can be found at the site.
So gather your materials. The "template" I used was a cloud from the printables. I free-handed the cloud around the box (I ended up using a cereal box instead). Try to draw on the side with the bar code.
Now cut out the cloud. Use the cloud as a template for the other posterboard.
Time to decorate!! I drew the stitches around the clouds and filled them in with colored marker. If you want to, (and have the patience!) punch holes out and thread yarn through. A simple Google search is great for Lalaloopsy inspiration.
If you decide to print up the designs on, glue them on the clouds. If you want you can glue on pieces of fabric too. You want cute and whimsical designs.
Next grab the box. Find the middle of the box on both sides, use the xacto knife and make marks for holes to thread the yarn/string through. On one side of the box cut a flap big enough for candy to pass through. On the other side thread the string/yarn through so that the pinata can be hung.
Fill the box with candy. Tape the short side of the flap close. Tape down the box top too.
Assemble pinata. Grab some string and randomly tape the string on the side with the flap. Glue sides of box and firmly attach the clouds to it. I like to place books to weigh it down.
I forgot to take the pics of the tissue paper. :( Take the tissue paper and tear or cut into square pieces. Glue them onto the edges of the CEREAL box to cover it and where the pull strings are. Enjoy the pinata!! The End :)