• Posted by MischievousMelanie
one of our friends is having a baby boy and pretty much my husband came up with this idea of making a double sided fleece blanket with one side his friends fave bball team and the other his fave football team {boys haha =)} but it turned out pretty cool i believe!!! it was purdy easy to make minus sewing the silk on there that was kinda lame and flared up my rage a bit but i got it=)
one of our friends is having a baby boy and pretty much my husband came up with this idea of making a double sided fleece blanket with one side his friends fave bball team and the other his fave football team {boys haha =)} but it turned out pretty cool i believe!!! it was purdy easy to make minus sewing the silk on there that was kinda lame and flared up my rage a bit but i got it=)