Cut Out + Keep

'Lady Of The Flies' Ring And Hair Clips

i am a zombie girl. • Posted by ErsatzEpiphany

I bought handfuls of these plastic flies at the costume shop last week. I love flies, and I spend an awful lot of time dressed as corpse and/or zombie for gore gore girls performances so I thought making some accessories from some of them would be pretty cool. So, I broke out my trusty glue gun and here we are!

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Pretty Easy
Medium il fullxfull.173312019 1284194282 Medium il fullxfull.173312545 1284194304 Medium il fullxfull.173312550 1284194330


I bought handfuls of these plastic flies at the costume shop last week. I love flies, and I spend an awful lot of time dressed as corpse and/or zombie for gore gore girls performances so I thought making some accessories from some of them would be pretty cool. So, I broke out my trusty glue gun and here we are!
