No worries I'm Aussie so my English is excellent. Thanks for the great idea, I love the ring! I didn't have much chain so I couldn't make it very big. I'm planning to buy some chain to make a large one to use as a necklace. It'd also make a pretty brooch. So many great possibilities...
thank you Mirriam for explaining it!my english are too bad to try explain it myself!!!
i'm so excited to see your version!!!it's the first time ever someone made a version of one of my projects!!!heheD
You need to use a pair of pliers or scissors to pry open one of the chain links on the end, slip the other end through the open link, then use your pliers to close the link back up. And Bob's your uncle... you have a seamless chain!
I just made one, hopefully it'll appear on the site soon!
i'm so excited to see your version!!!it's the first time ever someone made a version of one of my projects!!!heheD
I just made one, hopefully it'll appear on the site soon!
i would love to see your versions!!!