• Posted by she's crafty...
this was our christmas tree from last year. He was a very happy tree that made us smile. we named him kringle. at night he really shined. pretty soon he it is going to come back. he's a nice guy. very generous. he leaves gifts and regifts to us, niknak and our friends and family.
this was our christmas tree from last year. He was a very happy tree that made us smile. we named him kringle. at night he really shined. pretty soon he it is going to come back. he's a nice guy. very generous. he leaves gifts and regifts to us, niknak and our friends and family.
Put dots on the styrofoam circles with a black marker. ...better yet - make a more environmentally friendly version - by balling up junk mail and cover with white paper with clear tape. then draw a dot.
cut a piece of cardboard into a smily face. draw teeth and/or lips.
accessorize with ornaments, hats, ribbons, whatever.
light it up!
start finding stuff in your house. wrapping it up pretty and giving it to your friends and family. regifting rocks. reduce---> reuse----> recycle----> regift
name your tree. ours is kringle. :)