Super Kool
I've recently been getting into felting and am about to learn how to spin my own roving so I purchased 2 onces of roving and asked a friend to teach me the Kool-aid ways.
The colours are SUPER bright, I might tone them down but was impressed how cheap and easy this method was.
To think WE drank this stuff as kids.
People outside of North America if you can't and if you want some Koolaid send a message to me and I'll see what I can do for ya.
---->My original pics were with white roving this example uses a grey and dark grey mix.
Katrina P. favorited Kool Aid Dying. 28 Apr 13:29
You Will Need
Step 1
Make sure you're ok with your towel getting stained.
I didn't use gloves, but the Kool aid actually stained my hands!!
Some people use vinegar, some don't.. some do it in boiling method like me.. some don't.
My way worked, try others too.
I found a good Kool-aid chart here....http://www.thepiper.com/fiberart/koolaid/images/colorchart-high.jpg
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