Cut Out + Keep

Kool Aid Pie

Based on Kool Aid Pie by Creativemind • Posted by KYLESTREETRACER

I made this version with a chocolate cookie crust. I also Berry flavor Mixade instead of Kool Aid and it turned out better than when I tried Kool Aid Berry Blue as it was less overpowering and tart than the Kool Aid version and it was more sweet with just a bit of tart flavor. It took about 10 mins. to mix the ingredients together and then pour in the pie crust. Instead of cooling the fridge, I put in the freezer and it cut the cooling time down to about 1 hour.

You will need


1 h 10


Nice & Simple
Medium koolaid pie chocolate crust 1243538240


I made this version with a chocolate cookie crust. I also Berry flavor Mixade instead of Kool Aid and it turned out better than when I tried Kool Aid Berry Blue as it was less overpowering and tart than the Kool Aid version and it was more sweet with just a bit of tart flavor. It took about 10 mins. to mix the ingredients together and then pour in the pie crust. Instead of cooling the fridge, I put in the freezer and it cut the cooling time down to about 1 hour.
