My son saw this and said we just had to make it, so I went to the store yesterday and bought the stuff and he just got done mixing it and we will be having this with our dinner tonight.
I have to add that this has been a go-to favorite dessert dish and people are always surprised how easy it is to make and that it is out of Kool-Aid. It is my son's favorite pie and he as happy to see it again last night 9 years later. Your posting of this recipe has created a family tradition.
gasp, cammycat!!! >.< Kool aid is an instant sweetened drink mix that comes in many flavors ranging from the good ol' cherry to Mango! If you don't live in America, then that's probably why you've never heard of it. Also, his mascot is a giant walking, talking pitcher of Cherry Kool Aid with a face on it! Crazy, right?!
Glad you like it guys. It's a favorite in my house, so I get a lot of requests to make these almost on regular basis. Thank goodness it's fast and easy.
Thanks for sharing this with all of us!