Cut Out + Keep

Knuckle Duster Eyeglass Case Clutch

Inexpensive version/take on Alexander McQueen's clutches. • Posted by Kirsten Nunez

All I can say about this DIY is: love love LOVE. The general shape and build is inspired by the Alexander McQueen clutches, even though eyeglass/sunglass cases obviously weren't used in the original designs. If you make your own clutch (whether the design is inspired by a McQueen clutch or is a style that's all you) you'll probably save a few thousand dollars.....just saying.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 07


All I can say about this DIY is: love love LOVE. The general shape and build is inspired by the Alexander McQueen clutches, even though eyeglass/sunglass cases obviously weren't used in the original designs. If you make your own clutch (whether the design is inspired by a McQueen clutch or is a style that's all you) you'll probably save a few thousand dollars.....just saying.


  1. Small 01

    - Large eyeglass/sunglass case - 3 Bead (s) - 3 flat metal pieces (I used scrapbooking brads) - Rhinestone (or whatever!) trim - 3 ring blanks - Super glue/E 6000 - Jewelry pliers

  2. Small 02

    1) Glue the ring blanks onto the case, pad side down. Let it dry for a little bit.

  3. Small 03

    2) If needed, pry off the prongs (or loops, depending what you have) on the metal pieces with pliers.

  4. Small 04

    3) Glue the metal pieces on top of the ring blanks. Again, let it dry for a bit, just so they aren't sliding around when you continue onto the next step.

  5. Small 05

    4) Carefully glue the trim along the top.

  6. Small 06

    TIP: Glue the center of the trim to the middle piece first, wait until it's semi-dry then work on the right and left sides. There's going to be a lot of sliding around if you don't let the glue dry at least for a little bit in between steps.

  7. Small 07

    5) And when that's (almost) dry? Glue the beads on top of the trim. If your trim has an uneven surface, you might have to press and hold for a bit. Let everything dry overnight.

  8. Small 08


  9. Small 00

    Finished product.