• Posted by Jet H.
A few weeks ago i went with my little sister (she is a adult, but I'm older;-) ).to a knitting art exhibition. It was assome. So yesterday night i thought wy don't i make a personal tag myself in my flat. I had a broken porcelain grip for a drawer, but i use it for my door. (wheelchair ease :-)) So i picted some coloured nylon yarn and began to knit and made this thing on a tube for isolation of pipes. When it was finisched i sewed it on the grip. I love it and it handy because it can against wet (it sitting on my door of the bathroom). Perhaps you can choose a other place for your knitting grip tag. I hope you love it as well.
A few weeks ago i went with my little sister (she is a adult, but I'm older;-) ).to a knitting art exhibition. It was assome. So yesterday night i thought wy don't i make a personal tag myself in my flat. I had a broken porcelain grip for a drawer, but i use it for my door. (wheelchair ease :-)) So i picted some coloured nylon yarn and began to knit and made this thing on a tube for isolation of pipes. When it was finisched i sewed it on the grip. I love it and it handy because it can against wet (it sitting on my door of the bathroom). Perhaps you can choose a other place for your knitting grip tag. I hope you love it as well.