Cut Out + Keep

Knitted Twin Booties

Knitted for my friend's baby twins I took the pattern from a 1960's pattern book • Posted by Joey

I knitted these baby shoes from a pattern book that my mother-in-law gave me from the 1960's and adapted it slightly. She'd used some of the patterns to make clothes for my boyfriend when he was a baby which is kinda cute! The shoes were knitted in bright colours and I used a contrasting colour of embroidery silk to sew the seams together using an over-sewing stitch. The pattern doesn't require allot of yarn so I just picked up bits from charity shops and boot fares, so very thrifty!!! :)

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4 h 00


Medium dsc00262 1278442794 Medium dsc00263 1278443152


I knitted these baby shoes from a pattern book that my mother-in-law gave me from the 1960's and adapted it slightly. She'd used some of the patterns to make clothes for my boyfriend when he was a baby which is kinda cute! The shoes were knitted in bright colours and I used a contrasting colour of embroidery silk to sew the seams together using an over-sewing stitch. The pattern doesn't require allot of yarn so I just picked up bits from charity shops and boot fares, so very thrifty!!! :)
