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Knitted Quilt

A warm, fuzzy quilt • Posted by Maya

So, I realized I live in a very warm country, where all my knitted things are completely useless. But I have a lot of yarn, so I started knitting squares, and squares, and squares and then I decided to make a quilt! It's half way through but I posted the project cause that'll encourage me to finish.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium tortuguero 003 1317421592 Medium 2011 08 14 002 1317421701 Medium 2011 09 19 001 1317421826


So, I realized I live in a very warm country, where all my knitted things are completely useless. But I have a lot of yarn, so I started knitting squares, and squares, and squares and then I decided to make a quilt! It's half way through but I posted the project cause that'll encourage me to finish.


  1. Small tortuguero 002 1317422243

    Find yarn

  2. Small 2011 08 09 001 1317422559

    Knit squares, I did then casting on 18 stchs and then K1P1 all the way to a square

  3. Small 2011 09 19 001 1317422882

    Sow squares together