Cut Out + Keep

Knitted Pillows

Pillows I knitted on a loom for my couch. • Posted by Crystal H.

Decorative pillows for my couch that I knitted on a circular knitting loom. Could have been done on knitting needles, too, but I wanted more practice on the loom, so I just whipped these pillows up. The buttons serve no higher purpose than decoration, but I did find them useful in hiding the tail(s) of the yarn. These pillows have lots of room for improvement, but I find them quite satisfactory for a first-timer. :)

You will need

Project Budget


6 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium img 0059 1292110087 Medium img 0058 1292110106


Decorative pillows for my couch that I knitted on a circular knitting loom. Could have been done on knitting needles, too, but I wanted more practice on the loom, so I just whipped these pillows up. The buttons serve no higher purpose than decoration, but I did find them useful in hiding the tail(s) of the yarn. These pillows have lots of room for improvement, but I find them quite satisfactory for a first-timer. :)
