Knitted Gloves With Bow
just something i did when i was bored.
Posted by Amy J.
You Will Need (4 things)
- Yarn Of Desire Color
- Yarn Of Contrasting Color
- Size 8 Knitting Needles
- Yarn Needle
Steps (4 steps, 240 minutes)
Square 1:
cast on 20 stitches
1st row- knit
2nd-4th row- knit 1 purl 1 and repeat
5th - 14th row- knit
15th row- purl
16th row- knit
17th - 23rd row- purl
24th row- knit
25th - 27th row- knit 1 purl 1 and repeat
28th row- knit
cast off
(make 2)
Square 2:
cast on 16 stitches
1st row-10th row- knit
11th row - 20th row - knit 1 ROW then purl 1 ROW, repeat
21st row- knit
22nd row-24th row- knit 1 STITCH then purl 1 STITCH, repeat
cast off(make 2)
attach 1st square one to 1st square two with the yarn needle, leave a whole for thumb
attach 2nd square one to 2nd square two with the yarn needle, leave whole for thumb on opposite side