Cut Out + Keep

Knitted Cat

Knit a kitten • Posted by samantha

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1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf7585 1278637153 Medium dscf7587 1278637247 Medium dscf7586 1278639941



  1. Small dscf7560 1278637316

    make 2 cast on 17 and knit 31 rows

  2. Small dscf7565 1278637483

    sew sides and bottom together leave top open

  3. Small dscf7567 1278637635

    fill with stuff and sew top

  4. Small dscf7568 1278637718

    pinch corners and sew to make ears

  5. Small dscf7570 1278637808

    tie a knot with yarn to make head

  6. Small dscf7572 1278638488

    to make the arms cast on 13 and knit 8 rows fold and sew

  7. Small dscf7589 1278638185

    add some button eyes, a bead nose, and some pom poms for a mouth then you're done!