Cut Out + Keep

Knitted Cat Hat

Based on Knitted Cat Hat by samantha • Posted by Kyra C.

So I took the pattern, and this large square that I had knitted ages ago! This is soo adorable. I knitted ear inners and sewed them on so the ears are a little bit more shaped, and stitched this thick pink ribbon at the sides as a tie. Thank you so much! (Sorry for the blur!)

You will need


5 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium sdc13102 1282358012 Medium sdc13104 1282358134 Medium sdc13105 1282358153


So I took the pattern, and this large square that I had knitted ages ago! This is soo adorable. I knitted ear inners and sewed them on so the ears are a little bit more shaped, and stitched this thick pink ribbon at the sides as a tie. Thank you so much! (Sorry for the blur!)
