• Posted by Aries Crimm
I LOVE starfish. I think starfish are awesome. So I wanted to knit one. I noticed there were no knit starfish patterns on this site so I used one from a different site. All credit goes to knittingninja at Stitch'n'Bitch London. I was a teency bit confused at one of the key directions of the pattern though so I'm going to re-type it.
I LOVE starfish. I think starfish are awesome. So I wanted to knit one. I noticed there were no knit starfish patterns on this site so I used one from a different site. All credit goes to knittingninja at Stitch'n'Bitch London. I was a teency bit confused at one of the key directions of the pattern though so I'm going to re-type it.
On US size 4 (3.5mm) knitting needles, cast on 10 stitches. knit 2 rows.
Bind off 7 stitches, and knit the last 3.
Slide the 3 stitches onto your other needle. Pull the yarn up behind your work and cast on 7 stitches.
NOTE: if you don't slide the stitches, it'll turn out looking horrid like my first attempt when I didn't quite understand the directions. For the love of starfish, learn from my mistakes! D: The picture is my failed attempt, named Failfish. He is now serving as a cat toy.
Knit 2 rows and bind off 7 as before. Repeat until you have 5 legs. When you've finished the fifth leg, bind them all off unless you want a really different looking starfish :3
To finish, you can tie the ends of the yarn together, but I found that it'll look more even if you stitch it together before you tie it off. It helps to close up the middle, too.