Cut Out + Keep

"Kitty Said What?" Skirt

Easy Dirndl Skirt far a little girl in Kitty Fabric • Posted by Ama Valorie

Youtube has this great video "Kitty said what?" that my grand daughter loves. This is a skirt in the spirit of the video. This takes approximately a 1/2 yard of fabric cut to the desired length with about 6 inches taken off the side, sewn into a tube with elastic for the waist band and a hem at the bottom. Instant cheap skirt.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 059 1284966319 Medium 041 1284966685


Youtube has this great video "Kitty said what?" that my grand daughter loves. This is a skirt in the spirit of the video. This takes approximately a 1/2 yard of fabric cut to the desired length with about 6 inches taken off the side, sewn into a tube with elastic for the waist band and a hem at the bottom. Instant cheap skirt.
