Kimono Sleeved Top...Or Mini Dress????

I didnt know what it would be, but it turned out well.

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I wanted to do a kimono style dress like another girl on this site. Its listed as a 1970s dress and I thought it was awesome. So i started to follow her how-to. I cut the whole for the head way too wide but it made this really cool wide neckline that stopped just short of my shoulders. I then added the material to the neck because I was thinking of polo necks and a specific character or two from naruto lol. Didnt work the same but cool non the less. The sleeves worked fine but when it was done because its cotton it was just too long, and ever so wrong. So I ruched it up at the sides, and when you add a belt it looks so much more awesome.


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • 3 m Cotton