• Posted by Tuttle Publishing
Folding a kimono from stiffened fabric seems very appropriate, as it will reflect the texture of kimonos. It can be affixed to a blank greeting card. In our experience many origami cards are treasured by the recipients, who may even frame them. The dimensions in the instructions will result in a kimono 4 inches (10 cm) wide. You can make kimonos in other sizes by using bigger or smaller pieces of stiffened fabric in the proportion of three times as long as wide.
Folding a kimono from stiffened fabric seems very appropriate, as it will reflect the texture of kimonos. It can be affixed to a blank greeting card. In our experience many origami cards are treasured by the recipients, who may even frame them. The dimensions in the instructions will result in a kimono 4 inches (10 cm) wide. You can make kimonos in other sizes by using bigger or smaller pieces of stiffened fabric in the proportion of three times as long as wide.
Begin with the inside of the fabric facing up. Valley fold the top edge over a small bit (about 3⁄8 inch/35 mm using the suggested size).
Turn the model over.
Pinch the top edge (or, if that will not show up, mark with a pencil or a small nick). Then valley fold both corners to the center, in line with the center pinch you just created.
Valley fold four inches up from the bottom edge.
Mountain fold back along the edge you just folded up.
Bring both edges to lie even with the collar, squashing the top corners down.
Mountain fold the top layer behind, leaving the pointed corner alone.
Mountain fold the bottom layer up to the top of the sleeves.
The completed kimono!
Glue the kimono to a blank greeting card.
The completed Kimono Card!