• Posted by Penny Lane Fabrics
These easy kids harem shorts are super cool and super easy. With contrasting cuffs and pockets they ooze hipness for both boys and girls.
These easy kids harem shorts are super cool and super easy. With contrasting cuffs and pockets they ooze hipness for both boys and girls.
Note: The pattern measurements fit 18-24 months. To fit next size up add approximately 1 inch to each measurement. 1. Begin by cutting out all pieces as shown. For the pockets and cuffs I like to use a contrasting fabric.
2. Begin with pockets, stitching right side of pocket to the right side of the front piece, along the diagonal edge. Repeat on opposite side. 3. Turn pocket seam in, and press. This finishes off the outer pocket edge. Your pocket shouldn't be visible from the right side of the fabric 4. Fold your pocket in half, matching the side seam of the pocket to the side seam of the shorts. Pin into place to secure. 5. Sew bottom of pocket, pink or zig zag the edges to finish. Sew top and sides of pocket to front of shorts to secure. 6. Place right sides of front and back together, sew side seams, press flat.
7. Fold cuff piece in half, press. Place cuff raw edge on bottom edge of the right side of the shorts. Pin in place and sew. 8. Press cuff out and flat, pinking or zig zagging raw edges to finish. Top stitch along seam to make it look really neat.
9. Fold front and back together, right sides together. Sew along the arc of the crotch. Pink or zig zag to finish. Make small snips at regular intervals along the curve, this makes your fabric lie more smoothly when turned right side out.
10. Turn shorts inside out and fold down top of shorts approximately 1 inch. This creates a casing for your elastic waistband. Stitch along edge, leaving a gap in your stitches of around an inch to thread elastic through. Insert elastic, securing ends together with several rows of machine stitch. Sew gap in casing closed and admire your shorts!