Kiddy To Kitsch !

a thrifty idea that will save a bundle!

Posted by Hdoddles


I bought this necklace from a charity shop and got it home and thought it looks way to cluttered and tatty. Neglected it lay alone in my jewellery box and a recent tidy up made me think hmmmm maybe a kitsch junk bracelet is what you should really be. It only cost me £1 [yes I'm brittish] but i saw one similar for 9 the next day. so I figure lets share this with the crafters !


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Elastic Thread
  • Childrens Necklace

Steps (7 steps, 480 minutes)

  1. 1

    start of with a necklace that usually you wouldn't wear but still has potential this necklace was a pound from a charity shop [thrift store] and wouldnt fit right and so I saw a potential for a bracelet. cute charms but to cluttered for the necklace.

  2. 2

    This necklace was on string so a quick snip did the job. The string was falling apart and old but the necklace had two clasps which I saved for future use and each bead was useful. recycling this was very basic. If its on an old metal rusty chain a pain of plyers should do the trick.

  3. 3

    I threaded of each bead. They where fruit shaped and tottally kitsch but as a necklace they looked too cluttered. I threaded each bead off the string carefully. Careful they dont fly off!

  4. 4

    now take all your beads and give them a good wash in a small container. This makes them allittle more stream line to thread and if you get your necklaces from charity shops they may have been a little mucky so always best to clean the beads to ensure your bracelet stays clean for future wear. These beads are plastic but if u feel the beads u have may rust then simply wipe them with a dry cloth.

  5. 5

    when you take the beads out the water the should be nice and clean and much easier to thread.

  6. 6

    using a little bit of elastic thread that will fit around your wrist thread the beads on in any old fashion the chunkier the better. This form of recycling is where nothing is wasted as all the old necklace beads are re-used.

  7. 7

    Finnally tie it off and you will have a funky unique bracelet and you will have saved a bundle and turned a tatty child hood relic to something kitsch!

    This picture isnt very clear but it looks quite good and I didnt have to throw away and old favourite !