Cut Out + Keep

Kendal Mint Flip

A frothy and sweet Kendal Mint Cake Liqueur gin flip • Posted by Cat Morley

This cocktail shakes Kendal Mint Cake Liqueur with gin, simple syrup and egg white for the perfect frothy and sweet mint flip.

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0 h 05


Nice & Simple
Medium 113712 2f2016 03 18 102853 img 8205


This cocktail shakes Kendal Mint Cake Liqueur with gin, simple syrup and egg white for the perfect frothy and sweet mint flip.


  1. Small 113712 2f2016 03 18 102858 img 8194

    Dampen the edge of a martini glass and dip in coconut to rim.

  2. Small 113712 2f2016 03 18 102902 img 8195

    Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and add the Kendal Mint Cake Liqueur, gin, simple syrup and egg white.

  3. Small 113712 2f2016 03 18 102906 img 8199

    Shake well to get the cocktail really frothy and strain into the martini glass.

  4. Small 113712 2f2016 03 18 102912 img 8205

    Spoon some foam from the shaker on top of the cocktail and serve.