Kawaii Tampon/Pad Pouch

Make one as a gift or for your self! :D

Posted by Ciaa


I made one of these for my sister's christmas gift 2 years ago so i updated it a bit and decided to make my bestfriend one as her xmas gift this past christmas (she loved it ^_^)

*AHH! i checked my email today and saw alot of stuff from cutout+keep and i was like 'whaa?!' so i logged onto the site and i saw i was FEATUREDDD! >:D YESS! ahaha thanks for all the favs & comments erryone. ;)*


You Will Need (11 things)

  • White Thread
  • Purple Felt
  • White Felt
  • Pink Felt
  • Black Thread
  • 1 Button
  • Black Seed Beads
  • Pink Embroidery Floss
  • Black Embroidery Floss
  • White Embroidery Floss
  • Pink Eyeshadow (Optional)

Steps (10 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    Draw out a template of how big you want your pouch to be. making the back piece the same width as the front one but a little longer then it(so it can close with a flap) Then trace it onto the felt and cut it out. draw a little pad and a tampon and do the same.

    *I plan on adding a template that you can print out later.*

  2. 2

    I got a little carried away and skipped a step on taking a picture to show you (sorry!) but next you want to figure out how you want the pad & tampon to be placed on the pouch. Once you've done that grab your needle and white thread and sew the pad and tampon on the front piece of the pouch using a running stitch.

  3. 3

    Now get out your black seed beeds and sew the 'eyes' onto both the pad & tampon.

    After you do that take your black embroidery floss and sew the mouths for the tampon & pad (small backstitches)

  4. 4

    Awh, now you got some cute lil guys ;D lol

    (ignore the fact that my pad got blue on his smile :/ i used a 'DISSPEARING' ink pen -__-)

  5. 5

    Get yo white embroidery floss and sew yo self a little white tampon string lol ;D (Backstitch)

  6. 6

    Now go find your back piece and a cute button. Lay the 2 pouch pieces together and fold the flap over and figure out where you wanna put yo button ;D make a little mark on the front piece and the back piece.

  7. 7

    Once you've figured out how big you need to make the button hole grab yo scissors and cut yo' self a hole on the flap of the back piece. hehe ^_^

  8. 8

    (i should of done this ahead of time but i forgot, sew the button on the front of the pouch)

    After you've done that you can start sewing the pouch together using pink embroidery floss and doing a blanket stitch.

  9. 9


    You're almost done! :D :D Get excited! lol

    Last step, take some thread and sew around your buttonhole using a blanket stitch so the hole doesnt get frayed and stretched out. ;)

  10. 10


    Find a matte pink eyeshadow (no shimmer or glitter) and using a q-tip pick up some shadow and rub it under the eyes of the tampon & pad to add cute little pink cheeks. ^-^

    AH! i hope you find my tutorial easy to understand, i confused myself typing it up because i accidentally deleted like 2 pictures. :/