• Posted by SecretBatcave
These flowers are fairly easy to make and are great for using up any small scraps of fabric you have lying around. I love making them into hair decorations by putting them onto hair clips.
These flowers are fairly easy to make and are great for using up any small scraps of fabric you have lying around. I love making them into hair decorations by putting them onto hair clips.
Things you will need: Fabric Needle and Thread Button Glue Gun Fabric Glue Plastic/Metal Hair clip
Step 1: Cut out 6 4x4cm squares of your chosen fabric. I find taffeta or silk fabrics tend to work best, however any fabric can be used. Step 2: Fold one of the squares in half to create a triangle. Make sure the right side of the fabric is facing out.
Step 3: Fold both edges of the triangle into the middle creating a diamond shape.
Step 3: Fold both edges of the triangle into the middle creating a diamond shape.
Step 4: This is the tricky part to explain: Fold the 2 sides of the diamond shape at the bottom tip downwards creating the petal. Use the needle and thread to secure the petal into place.
Step 4: This is the tricky part to explain: Fold the 2 sides of the diamond shape at the bottom tip downwards creating the petal. Use the needle and thread to secure the petal into place.
Step 5: Create another 5 petals and thread them onto the same needle and thread.
Step 6: Stitch the last petal to the first petal, secure the thread and cut.
Step 7: Turn the flower over and use a glue gun to stick a button onto the centre of the flower to cover the raw edges of the petals.
Step 8: This step is optional but I think it makes the flowers look a bit nicer on the back and last a little longer. Use fabric glue to seal the raw edges of the fabric on the back of the flower.
Step 9: Once the glue has dried your kanzashi flower is finished and you can use it in a number of ways. I personally like to attach them to hair clips and voila you have a beautiful hair accessory!