• Posted by A Bite To Eat
Place the filter into the Kalita Wave, and place both above the serving vessel. Boil water and rinse the paper filter to get rid of paper taste. Dump the rinse water. Weigh out your coffee and grind to a medium fineness—similar to table salt. Place ground coffee into filter.
When pouring, always start in the center and spiral outwards. First, pour hot water three times the amount of coffee to create the “bloom” (the coffee will grow in volume and create bubbles). Stir the coffee to make sure everything’s wet, and then wait 30-40 seconds. Pour in short pulses of hot water (pour, then wait, then pour, then wait etc.) until you reach your target weight of 320g. After your final pulse, stir or shake the brewer gently to make sure the coffee bed ends up flat. Let coffee drip and enjoy!