Cut Out + Keep

Junk Journal

My version of the popular Smash Journal • Posted by niny512

I found a tutorial for making a "Junque Journal" on YouTube and decided to make one of my own. I crumpled paper in the book starting at first with doing the pages that I wanted to put scrapbook paper on so that the page wasn't flat when I inked it. I used about 26 pieces of scrapbook paper cut to size and glued to pages in the book. Than I crumpled and inked the rest of the pages. I used 5 different ribbons to hold the pages to the cover, one in the center and two on each side spaced out and tied tight. Finally I gesso'd and painted my cover and back than wrote You Are Here with an arrow pointing to the word Imagination. On the back I wrote the same thing in Japanese characters (at least that's what said it was, so if it's not right than I apologize but I really hope it is correct). I had a lot of fun putting this journal together and have already started putting some things in it and look forward to filling it up. I really don't know how long it took to put the whole thing together because I took several breaks and did it over a three day period but I do know that inking each page was the longest part of the process.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


11 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium front 1314510296 Medium crumpled paper 1314510335 Medium purple 1314510352 Medium valentine 1314510366 Medium winter 1314510372 Medium halfway 1314510386 Medium ribbon top 1314510434 Medium back 1314511131 Medium close up 1314511145 Medium done 1314511329


I found a tutorial for making a "Junque Journal" on YouTube and decided to make one of my own. I crumpled paper in the book starting at first with doing the pages that I wanted to put scrapbook paper on so that the page wasn't flat when I inked it. I used about 26 pieces of scrapbook paper cut to size and glued to pages in the book. Than I crumpled and inked the rest of the pages. I used 5 different ribbons to hold the pages to the cover, one in the center and two on each side spaced out and tied tight. Finally I gesso'd and painted my cover and back than wrote You Are Here with an arrow pointing to the word Imagination. On the back I wrote the same thing in Japanese characters (at least that's what said it was, so if it's not right than I apologize but I really hope it is correct). I had a lot of fun putting this journal together and have already started putting some things in it and look forward to filling it up. I really don't know how long it took to put the whole thing together because I took several breaks and did it over a three day period but I do know that inking each page was the longest part of the process.
