Cut Out + Keep

Jewelry Organizer

jewelry organizer • Posted by cutebutcheap

simple way to hang your jewelry up. If you dont have any lace. try using an old lace shirt, thats what i used. mine got all deformed in the dryer :/ but atleast now i have this instead :]

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


4 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium img 2906


simple way to hang your jewelry up. If you dont have any lace. try using an old lace shirt, thats what i used. mine got all deformed in the dryer :/ but atleast now i have this instead :]


  1. Small img 2886

    1st, get your picture frame and tun it upside down. find the staples and tie your ribbon too it

  2. Small img 2887

    this is what you will hang your frame by.

  3. Small img 2882

    cut out your lace.

  4. Small img 2901

    glue it to the back of the frame. then cut off the extra fabric.