Not your ordinary barstool.
I bought this plain, boring barstool from Value Village for $6.50. The original price sticker was still on the bottom of the stool, for $21.00. It was pretty well made and very sturdy, so I took it home and made it a little more exciting. :)
I'm not exactly religious, but I'm fascinated with religious objects, which is why I chose to use the german bible and the picture of Jesus I took from one of it's pages.
I now have a fancy-new stool to play guitar on :)
Go Jesus!
Broken Bownes favorited Jesus Appreciation Stool 25 Jul 00:06
Step 4
Brake out that black acrylic, and go crazy!
I'm one for instant gratification, so I like Acrylic paints because they are long-lasting and fast-drying. :)
For almost all of my projects, I break out my hairdryer and dry that paint even faster. (If you do this also, make sure you put the dryer on the "cool" setting very last, to help the paint set.)