Cut Out + Keep

Jessica Rabbit Peek A Boo Magnet

She's not bad she's just baked that way! • Posted by May O.

I sculped her tiny body and face with various small tools. I added glass seed beads for eyes. Then I posed and baked her. When she cooled, I glued her(with epoxy based glue) to the round magnet so It looked like a pillow. Now she rests on top of our freezer door always being nosey about what we are eating!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Medium dscf0463 1276278934


I sculped her tiny body and face with various small tools. I added glass seed beads for eyes. Then I posed and baked her. When she cooled, I glued her(with epoxy based glue) to the round magnet so It looked like a pillow. Now she rests on top of our freezer door always being nosey about what we are eating!
