Jenny Greenteef
Mind your step lest you intend to get wet
Posted by Azraels Requiem
Jenny Greenteeth is a character in English folklore, basically a bogey man of sorts. Its one of those grim tales told to children to keep them in line, most notably, to keep them from wandering near ponds or lakes. Most ponds have weeds growing in them and the trouble with that is they tend to have floating mats of vegetation that appear to b solid ground, subsequently children drowned in the weeds. By inventing folklore about a woman in the water or perhaps this mat of vegetation being personified as a woman, it became a way to keep kids away from the water where they may drown. I sort of envisioned her as a zombie or at the very least smeared in algae.
I molded a head and one arm for this after dusting the mold with talcum powder. I pushed a sculpting tool into the eyes to create sockets and with the same tool I pushed the clay away from around her eyes and mouth to simulate decay. I cut the lower jaw off and propped the head up by adding the hair, I did this to create the effect of her surfacing from the water.
You Will Need (5 things)
- Paint Brush
- Craft Knife
- Talcum Powder
- Push Mold
- Acrylic Paint