Jello Play Dough
Yummy smelling play dough for all ages!!
Posted by Crystal V.
I make this for my kids. The texture is the closest I've found to actual play doh, but it much nicer. The Jello gives it a nice color and it smells fantastic afterwards. I really never cared for the play doh smell, but I could work with this all day.
You Will Need (6 things)
- 1 cup Plain Flour
- 1 cup Salt
- 2 tbsp Cream Of Tartar
- 2 tbsp Vegetable Oil
- 1 cup Water
- 1 packets 3 oz. Jello not sugar free
Steps (8 steps, 15 minutes)
The first thing I do is to set out all of the ingredients. If you'd like your dough to be sparkley, you can also add glitter to the ingredients.
Add all dry ingredients (including optional 1-2 tbsp glitter) and mix together. Add the oil and water last.
Mix everything together until smooth. Place pan on stove on low to medium heat.
Stir constantly. Mixture will start to form lumps and begin to pull away from edges. Make sure you keep stirring. This only takes about 5 minutes and it will burn if you are not careful.
Continue to cook until mixture balls up and is no longer shiny. Remove the pan from heat.
Turn the dough out onto a clean solid surface. I use tin foil. The dough will be hot and look a little dry.
(For easier clean-up, fill the pan with hot water immediately.)
Flatten, fold, and knead dough out until it is cool and smooth. It will be hot, but cools off very quickly.
You can add food coloring if you would like, but I like the coloring I get with just the Jello. I find that food coloring stains the kids hands if it's in the dough. We roll ours into balls and store in plastic ziploc bags so that it doesn't dry out.
The colors/scents pictured here are:
Island Pineapple
Berry Blue
Cherry (with glitter)Have fun and enjoy!!!!