First jeans bag
After a month my bag is finished!
for the inside I used red fabric and for the pocked a piece of the jeans. My father helped me a bit with the zipper cease I really had no idea how to put it in the bag!:P
I hope you can understand my horrible English...
Key West Witch favorited Jeans Bag 27 Jun 12:40
LaAlex favorited Jeans Bag 29 Jun 15:54
Krystal W. added Jeans Bag to Purses, Totes, Backpacks... 18 Mar 16:12
sara j. favorited Jeans Bag 17 May 20:19
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Claire C. favorited Jeans Bag 20 Nov 17:13
You Will Need
Step 1
First take an old jeans and cut off the pipes? (or do you say jeans? well I guess you'll understand it!:P) be carefull you don't cut through the pockets on the bag! (I almost did)
Step 2
Turn the jeans inside out and sitch the downside togeter so you get a "bag"
Step 3
Turn the bag back (inside in.. right?)
now you take a fabric you like (for the inside) and you cut around your back. make sure it is a little bit bigger so you can stitch it. and the top have to be also bigger ( I don't no why but I cut 3 pieces out over and over and they were to small so make them big... better to big then to small:P)
Step 5
You can now stitch the to pieces to gether (don't forget to make the pockets first!) you don't have to turn it inside out this time:P
Step 6
Now you put the (I say red bag at the moment) in you jeans back. make sure everything would fit. The red bag can be to on the bottemside but that isn't so bad. you have to make sure the top fits to the edge of the jeans bag.
Step 7
Now you have to make the zippers in the red bag..
I'm really sorry I don't know how to do that.. my dad did.. he also liked to be creative and he was going so fast I don't know what he has done..
Step 8
Stitch the red back in the jeans back as you can see on the picture (uhum.. I'm not a really good drawer..) There's a little bit jeans you can see. (This picture is the view if you were in the red bag (or something) so don't turn it inside out).
if you done one side now do the other offcourse:P -
Step 9
from the 2 jeans/pipes are over you can make the handle (the thing so you can ware it over your sholder..)
for this one you have to look for yourself howlong you want it..
but if you have the size.. you have to make the breadth (that's wat the translator sais) 9 cm
fold the good sides together en stitch it.. of you done turn the handle inside back in and bruch it (that's wat the translater also said.. uhmm.. with heat you make it flat?? know what I mean?)now you can make a second one like I did but I had some stuff I found in a box from my mom. but you can also just make one en stitch it to your jeans bag
Step 10
Now you're actually done..
I hope you've understand it.. cause now I'm trying to explain a big object like this.. I now how horrible my English is.. really sorry for that!..:$
pipes = legs (the long part of the pants)
breadth makes sense but some call it the width (the part across the handles)
bruch = iron (to make flat with heat, would be to iron... or press with an iron)
Other than that, you did very well. I have been trying to make a jeans bag, and love how you did your lining, with the zipper in the lining. Might try that myself.
You did a really good job !
In real it is even better !
So that means it is great !=P
(in het echt is die nog mooier dan
je op de foto kan zien)