• Posted by Emma H.
A version from the Threadbanger jeans to jean skirt 'how to' with a few modifications from me on the front seam. You need an old pair of jeans (or in this case a cheap pair from the local supermarket), a seam ripper and sewing machine. Took about 4-5 hours all told. (P.S. Don't forget to change to a stronger needle on your sewing machine when sewing denim)
A version from the Threadbanger jeans to jean skirt 'how to' with a few modifications from me on the front seam. You need an old pair of jeans (or in this case a cheap pair from the local supermarket), a seam ripper and sewing machine. Took about 4-5 hours all told. (P.S. Don't forget to change to a stronger needle on your sewing machine when sewing denim)