Jean Pocket Wallet
turn your old jeans into a cute wallet! :)
Posted by Cat Queen
i was at a friend's house and found this jean pocket and thought it would make a great wallet! hope you like it! :)
You Will Need (6 things)
- any color Old Jeans
- Playing Cards
- any color Sewing On A Button
- doesn't matter what kind Ribbon any color
- any color Fabric
- Fabric Glue
Steps (8 steps, 60 minutes)
cut out a pocket from your old jeans.
cut out patches from different colored fabric.
glue them on your wallet. i layered some of mine to make it look natural.
next cut up some playing cards. and glue on in different places.
sew a button on the inside top of the wallet. right in front of the button on the other flap cut a hole big enough so the button can fit through. (this will make it so you can keep it closed)
to cover up the stiches, put cut ups of the playing cards over them. (see picture)
now for the ribbon. cut it the langh you want and tie a knot to the top. braid. when it is braided, tie a knot to the bottom. glue the knots down to the wallet.
when dry, cut up small pieces of fabric and wrap around the braid. glue in place.
and voila! you have a jean wallet!=^.^=