Cut Out + Keep

Japanese Style Egg Salad

make your own oriental healthy salad! fast and easy • Posted by judithchen

I made this as a variation because it's still winter and I had too much warm food. the egg I used is the same recipe I used for sushi (I didn't post the sushi tute because someone else did). hope you also enjoy this healthy meal! it's enough for 2-3 servings.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 15


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc02456 Medium dsc02454


I made this as a variation because it's still winter and I had too much warm food. the egg I used is the same recipe I used for sushi (I didn't post the sushi tute because someone else did). hope you also enjoy this healthy meal! it's enough for 2-3 servings.


  1. First shred the cabbage or cut them in very thin slices. cut each paprika (half piece of each color) in dices, then set them all aside.

  2. now we make the egg. crack all the eggs into a small bowl. add the kikkoman soy sauce (use the all purpose one) around one tea spoon and the white wine essig around 1 1/2 tea spoon. mix well and cook them in non sticking pan. scramble the egg. let it cool down a bit. TIPS: if you use essig, make sure you choose the mildest one you can find. using non-stick pan is also important to keep the taste so the essig doesn't evaporate and lost the taste.

  3. now we make the dressing. in a small bowl, add 4-5 spoons of olive oil. add 1 tea spoon of kikkoman, and a dash of black pepper powder. stir slowly and mix well. mix all the ingredients carefully in a big bowl, pour the dressing and mix again. easy and yummy! :)