Cut Out + Keep

Japanese Balloon Hat

Up, Up and Away to Japan • Posted by Neko and Dragon

I made this hat for my boyfriend. He kept stealing my purple Mesh Balloon Hat and I couldn't ever find it until I caught him wearing it. I got the pattern from a Japanese knitting book. I had to figure out certain kanji in order to even start it but otherwise the chart they had in it gave a good idea of the pattern.

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn0422 1301967875 Medium dscn0421 1301967940


I made this hat for my boyfriend. He kept stealing my purple Mesh Balloon Hat and I couldn't ever find it until I caught him wearing it. I got the pattern from a Japanese knitting book. I had to figure out certain kanji in order to even start it but otherwise the chart they had in it gave a good idea of the pattern.
